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Parks & Recreation 04.20.11 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of April 20, 2011
Room 14, Town Hall

Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Sergio Coviello (SC), Rita Mullin (RM), Patricia Fillmore (PF),
Staff:  Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Lynne Clemens (LC)
Tardy:  Marty Tilton (MT)
Absent: Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Lauren McMullen (LM)
Call to order: 7:25pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens:  Sean Delaney, Selectman

Acceptance of Minutes: None

Marty Tilton arrived at 7:29pm

New Business

•       Committee Member Positions (BL)
Billie addressed that Lauren McMullen has submitted a letter of resignation from the Parks & Recreation Committee.
Billie Luker accepts to move up to the Chair Persons Position.

(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept Billie Luker as moving up to the chair person in lieu of Lauren McMullen’s resignation.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        Accepted:  4            Opposed:   0            Abstained:  0
Motion Passed

(PF) Patricia Fillmore made a motion to nominate Rita Mullin as Vice Chair Person of the Parks & Recreation Committee.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        Accepted:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained: 0
Motion Passed.

Billie Luker suggests starting recruiting people onto the committee.  
Rita suggests putting an invitation out to the boards of the Youth Sports leagues to see if anyone is interested in joining.

•       Fence at IRP (MT)
Marty got a price to have the Fence at IRP pressure washed and sealed for $1800.  He is letting the committee be aware.  The monies are in his budget.  Committee agrees.

Old Business

•       Parks Director Updates (MT)
o       Skate Park at IRP: The boards will cost $5k, not sure on labor costs. Will get prices.

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o       IRP Bathrooms: had a problem at the bathrooms with 1 sink, believe it is the sensor.  He is still working on getting the part with the manufacture.  
o       Turf Field Walkway inside the fence: He is going to widen the walkway into the bleaches. It will cost about $3500 and $800 for a double gate. So about $4300 all together. Asphalt is coming out of the facilities budget.
o       Ice Skating Rink: Sean Delaney asked if we were approached regarding an ice skating rink.  Marty explained that NRSA came in with a citizen and informed him that they need to write up proposal of what they are looking for and bring it back to P&R on May 2nd.  
o       Walk of Fame:  Rita asking if it makes sense to redo the pavement out in front of the concession stand at the turf field while we are doing the walk of fame because it will all be worked on at the same time and we do not duplicate efforts.  Water collects in front of the concession stand and it needs to be properly graded and repaved.

(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to fund $7k to help pay for the Walk of Fame  project from the revolving account.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion
                Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

o       Banners: Marty has sold 30 banners at the turf field. Maureen informed that we still have payments being made for the customers that are on a payment plan. Billie asked if we set up a separate account for the monies for the turf field and Maureen explained that it is a line item on the financials not a separate account.
o       25 year warrant and purchase links control system for stadium lights at turf field. Marty needs $13k by May in order to obtain warranty for the lighting system.  The funds from the banners will be funding this expense.

At 7:45pm Selectman Sean Delaney joined the meeting.

•       Recreation Director Updates (LC)-Absent
o       Spring Programs starting: Lynne updated the committee that the new programs begin next week. Ran 3 special one day events and they all went great.  Field Day at IRP went great and opened the concession stand for that.  Princess Tea Party sold out, it was crazy but the kids had a great time. Need to revamp a little bit. Bike Day at IRP is tomorrow and have a lot of interest and the weather is suppose to be great.
o       Event Banner:  We had an event banner made by Rich Designs.  It is awesome.  Rich also helped us create a new logo.  The banner has dry erase area to update the events as they change and to write in sponsors.  
o       Scholarships:  Applications have been coming in.  Putting in a file for now until the deadline of June 1 and will review then.
o       Sponsor a Child Program:  this program is up and running on the ROS system.  We have sponsored a day Sponsor a week or sponsor a summer.
o       Summerscape: Summerscape will be at the Middle School again this summer. Met with the superintendent.  We have a special offer for the kids coming from the schools summer programs into summerscape for the late half of the day.
o       Wireless internet at Recreation Center:  Lynne is asking for wireless internet at the Recreation center.  Have spoken to Gene on it but it has been a wait. Maureen will ask Gene again.
o       Box at Recreation Center:  There is an electrical box at the Recreation Center in the Blue room that is very low and has wire running to it and it is a hazard because the children hang and pull on it.  The box needs to be moved.

•       Operations Director Updates (MS)
o       Office:  The office has been buried in special projects and the permits are very busy.
o       Permit Software:  Maureen is looking into Field permit software so that we can mainstream the system and scheduling and so that others in the office can help out.

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o       BOS Meeting: Maureen asked Sean Delaney if the BOS meeting next week is still on and it is.
Sean Delaney asked Maureen if we are all set with the process of becoming an Enterprise Fund. Maureen assured him that we are. There will not be a principal in accounting measures. We already practice it.  Sean agrees that becoming an Enterprise is the right move for us.  Maureen told him we are working closely with the Finance department.
o       Wine & Food: She has the wine & Food social finance report. She is just waiting for the advertising bill from the Transcript. Last years revenues from the social were $14k.  This year is $10k. Maureen is concerned that the wine bill is incorrect so Lauren is checking on it with Bryan McDonald so payment is on hold for the wine.  Lauren told her that the wines can not be sold back to the company this year.  
o       Skate Park:  it would be $5k alone for the wood to repair the skate park at IRP.  Rita would like Marty to get quotes for repairs.  Rita is asking if LUC doesn’t need wine & Food monies for Pavilion can we use for Skate Park.
o       Wine & Food:  Have not received all the information from the wine & food yet  and still waiting on settling the wine bill.

•       LUC Updates (RM)
o       Meditation Garden at IRP: Rita went to the Conservation meeting and will be going again Tuesday night. Conservation is going to let her know the rules and procedures they need to follow for the meditation garden.
o       Wine & Food monies:  Rita informed everyone that LUC said that P&R can keep the wine & Food monies.  They have enough for the Pavilion.
o       Craft Fair Concession:  LUC would like P&R to handle the concession BBQ for the Craft Fair.

•       FONRPRC, Inc Updates-
o       Walk of Fame: project cost for installation of walkway from Interstate Landscaping is $25316 (+ cost for engraving) and this includes benches and sitting wall.    Rita is asking if we can pay for engraving out of revolving so we can get first phase done.   $22600 sold for Walk of Fame project so far.
o       Yard Sale on April 30th: there are 3 donation drop off times: 4/20, 4/25th and 4/27 from 5:30-7:30pm at the lean to at the barn.  We are looking for help to have someone there during those hours.  The yard sale is from 9-2pm on 4/30/11 at the Recreation center.   After the end of the day Sheila will take everything to good will to get rid of anything that is left over.
o       Pitch, Hit, Run: May 15th at Mullin field from 3-6pm.  This is a free event.  We will advertise through letter to editor and email blast, possibly flyers through schools. We have brochures and posters. Billie will be running the event and will be sponsored by FONRPRC, Inc. Pat said if we do a concession that day she can help out.

Other Business
•       Next Meeting date (SS)
My 2nd in Room 5 at Town Hall at 7:00pm

•       Agenda Items for next meeting (SS)
o       NRSA regarding ice skate rink

(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:30 pm.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
        Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion Passed